
This is the blog for Memorious: A Journal of New Verse and Fiction, an online literary journal publishing poetry, fiction, art, art song, and interviews. Memorious was founded in 2004 by Robert Arnold, Rebecca Morgan Frank, and Brian Green. Arnold and Green left the magazine by 2008, but Frank has continued to lead the magazine as Editor-in-chief and Poetry Editor alongside of a rotating staff.

Work from Memorious has been reprinted in the New York Times Magazine  and Best American Poetry 2012; has received special mention in the Pushcart Anthology, and has been been featured in the print anthologies  Best New Poets (2010, 2009, 2008, 2006) and Best of the Web (2010, 2009, and 2008), as well as the online Best of the Net 2016, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007. We are also featured in the University of Chicago Press’s The Little Magazine in Contemporary America. Visit our latest issue or browse our archives where you can search by issue, author, or genre.

Current Staff:

Editor-in-Chief and Poetry Editor: Rebecca Morgan Frank

Interim Editor: Sara A. Lewis

Assistant Poetry Editors: Katy Didden, Derrick Austin, Hannah Dow

Incoming Assistant Fiction Editors: Wendy Oleson, Natalie Mesnard, Chris Arp

Contributing Editors: Robert Arnold, Adam Day, Brian Green, Hadara Bar-Nadav, and Laura van den Berg

Technical Editor: Heather Van Aelst

Poetry Readers: Annette C. Boehmn, Jessica Guzman, Todd Osborne, and Hannah Dow

Fiction Readers: Melissa Dziedzic, Kristian Einstman, and Melissa Phelan

Previous Fiction Editors: Brian Green, Jessica Murphy-Moo, Barrett Bowlin, Ian Stansel, Joanna Luloff and Brian Trapp.

Previous Assistant Poetry Editor: Matt McBride